Updating Orxporter

I’m currently diverting development attention away from forc (our WIP font creation tool) and onto what has become one of the roadblocks to making outputting standard Mutant Standard releases easy, which is our lovely workhorse exporting program called orxporter. Like a lot of things in Mutant Standard, reaching for new technical heights or features (crushed… Continue reading Updating Orxporter

0.3.0 sketches

Endless, endless testing.   0.3.0 was partly a new emoji update, but also just trying to tie up more loose ends for the future. I wanted to be super-satisfied with various core elements of the aesthetic and design philosophy so I could move on with bigger changes and more new emoji without feeling like I… Continue reading 0.3.0 sketches

Categorized as Process

Mutant Standard 0.2.4 Sketches

Here are all the sketches from 0.2.4, and a very long commentary. I am now making notes as I’m making the emoji, so giving you commentary is more efficient more detailed, and less scary to post at the end of a version because I have all the content already available. Remember, sketch file names are just… Continue reading Mutant Standard 0.2.4 Sketches

Categorized as Process

0.2.3 sketches

Here are the sketches behind the emoji in 0.2.3 and some of my commentary on how they went for this version. I think from now on, I will be batching the sketch posts to every few versions. It just works out easier for me to do it this way. Remember, the dates on each sketch… Continue reading 0.2.3 sketches

Categorized as Process

Mutant Standard S1 sketches

These were all spun off really quickly in the space of a few hours and mostly derivatives of other emoji, so there isn’t much in the way of process sketches. The bottom row is where the actual finished emoji sit. (This file also has a personal think_dzuk emoji and a think_mutant emoji which were made as… Continue reading Mutant Standard S1 sketches

Categorized as Process