Mutant Standard 2022.12

A lilac canvas with 5 minimalist, outlined vector emoji arranged horizontally (lesbian flag, trans flag, enby flag, pirate flag and a gray paw hand giving a thumbs up). Below that is the Mutant Standard logo (a stylised, round 'M') and the number 2022.12 in a bold, condensed sans-serif font. Under that in faded text is the website -

Hey, its been 2 and a half years, but I think I’m back to working on this finally. Here’s a small update with some simple but important improvements.

Emoji set changes

  • lesbian_flag has been updated to a more recent design.
  • lipstick_lesbian_flag has been removed based on feedback.
  • All flag designs (pride flags and pirate flag) have been given a new look with slightly rounded corners.
  • transgender_flag, genderqueer_flag, genderfluid_flag, nonbinary_flag and agender_flag have either improved or more accurate colours.
  • Shortcode folder structure has been improved – the gsr folder has been renamed to gender_sexuality_relationships to make it much more obvious. The structure of folders within that folder have been streamlined too.
  • Text description fix – the colour modifiers E1, E2 and E3 descriptions were swapped with K1, K2 and K3 by accident. This has now been fixed.
  • Text description fix – the experimental colour modifiers FE1, FT1 and FK1 were also swapped by accident and have now been fixed.

I’ve decided to no longer provide font packages for Mutant Standard releases. I will soon talk in more detail about it but in short – it never worked 100% and I don’t see working on fonts as an effective use of my time on the project going forward.

You can also still compile your own fonts with the tools provided on the Mutant Standard build Github repo. (The Github repo has not been updated yet, but it will be updated in the coming days.)

Specialised Mastodon packages will now be in zip format instead of .tar.gz. The reason for this is that I’m making reliable scripting for my packages to further automate my pipeline and the tar command is so unfriendly and after hours of attempts to get it to do what I want (and accidentally wiping my Linux VM), I’ve decided the best thing is to simply not use it.