Mutant Standard S3

An array of new pride emoji in Mutant Standard S3 (100, sweat drops, bang, meeple, furry) in a scattered pattern over a pastel pink background with a subtle horizontal stripe pattern. In the middle is a little green and white badge with the Mutant Standard logo and 'S3' below it. At the bottom is the URL ''.

It’s still pride month, so here are some pride emoji!

All of Mutant Standard’s pride flags (with a few exceptions for the rainbow flag since it’s kinda complicated) have been reinterpreted into a few different other Mutant Standard symbols, as well as a new one – meeple, a staple tabletop gaming piece!

Some of these are extensions to symbols that have already had rainbow flag versions in normal Mutant Standard releases (like paw_print and 100) and some not.

You can get them all, alongside the existing special emoji here –