This has been such a long release in the making, and it’s finally here!
Patreon news
Patreon has started unveiling their plans for what basically every VC-funded commerce/financial support platform does once their investors start demanding more – make a pointless, multi-tier funhouse version of their platform. As far as I can tell, none of these proposed changes should affect any of you and they shouldn’t affect the percentage of money… Continue reading Patreon news
Early 2019 Progress!
0.3.2 was cancelled I did mention on social platforms but not this blog (I make weird assumptions sometimes of when I should and shouldn’t make a blog post about something :S). There was too much R+D required for 0.4.0 so I cancelled 0.3.2 and am instead just moving all of those planned improvements (such as… Continue reading Early 2019 Progress!
Early 2019 Plans
Hey! After some research, I managed to (semi) successfully manually compile a Mutant Standard emoji font. This is really exciting! This was a small test to test my (still incomplete) research though – it only contains two emoji. Like how orxporter recolours and exports thousands of emoji, we need software that can process and put… Continue reading Early 2019 Plans
The beginning of fonts
(This is a mirror of the Patreon post of the same name because I realised that relying on Patreon is a bad idea but I didn’t wanna delete that post either) Hey, I’m starting to get into emoji making some more again, it’s still really hard and exhausting after my burnout in November, but I… Continue reading The beginning of fonts
Cooption thoughts
This is a backburner thought, but I’ve contemplated shaping Mutant Standard’s encoding standard over the long term to somehow prevent easy use (and thus cooption) by corporate entities.
Mutant Standard S2
Police and Border Patrol emoji – The Mutant Standard view
Continuing with my tradition of making blog posts about why certain emoji that are in the Unicode Standard are not and will never be in Mutant Standard, I have decided to talk about the very first few emoji I decided to exclude – police and border patrol. With police, I’m mainly bullet pointing this because… Continue reading Police and Border Patrol emoji – The Mutant Standard view
Orxporter is now open source!
Orxporter – the software that’s used to batch recolour and export all of Mutant Standard’s emoji – is now open source!
Mutant Standard 0.3.1
Happy halloween!~ This release contains fun new objects, furry emoji and more as well as introducing a bunch of exciting new package types and some unexpected technical improvements.